Monday, 29 October 2012

Chilly Florida!!

Very very excited about my two travelling girls coming to visit me this week. They started their trip around the world on October 1st in New York and are making their way down to Orlando this Thursday to stay with me at disneys all star music resort for four days! So excited. We are going to celebrate Christmas, birthdays everything all in one because I may not see them again for a couple if years! Eventually they are 
making their way to Australia to work for a year and then working their way back home to the UK. But I haven't seen them since July at a very tearful fair well at my house so I'm super excited to squeal and run towards them for a big hug on Thursday. As a magical cast member I can let them in to the four Disney parks for free using my main gate pass and I've also managed to get them tickets to come with me for the New Fantasy land cast preview (as we are allowed to bring up to three guests) and what I've just realised is when that happens on Friday, magic kingdom will have transformed from Halloween decorations to Christmas decorations over night!!!! I'm grinning on the bus as I type this!! Can not wait to see main street USA decorated for Christmas! That means Epcot will be decorated shortly too, including the Christmas tune loop being played all day instead of the 'lovely' traditional English 
music loop we have at the moment. I do love it, my fellow merchie cast members have seen me dance and sing around the stores to that music several times, and I'm not joking when I want a copy of it to take home with me to play and cry to when I have PDD (post Disney depression) but it will be nice to have a change of music and especially if it's Christmas!!

I did another spot of shopping the other night, some Christmas presents, some just presents for me, using my 40% discount. On my Friday off I went to Hollywood studios with the current newbies which was nice, and in the evening me and Kerry went to Mickeys not so scary Halloween party with the lovely Ben and Brett. Had a brilliant night with lots of laughs, rides, character photos, parade and firework watching, and of course trick or treating! I came home with another bag full of candy (sweets and American chocolate, almond joy chocolate bar? Not as joyful as I thought as I don't like almonds or coconut, but I still ate it, Obvs!)

I also have magical news that my best friend James is coming to visit me for ten days in december for his first trip to Disney world. And what a better way to spend it that with the best unofficial tour guide of Disney (me) flights are booked, hotel being booked, YES YOU NEED TO BOOK HOLIDAY INSURANCE JAMES and hopefully he can fit a few presents into his suitcase from my magical family and inturn I will send presents back with him to go home to the Bradley's, that's free postage for you! :)

On another note, it's freezing here!!! It's gorgeous and sunny, but the humidity has gone and ok it 18degrees, but to all us Disney folk who've been surviving working in 35degrees all summer, this is cold man! It's like a fresh December morning in England when it's sunny but cold. Coats at work are being worn already, I didn't think this day would ever come. I've only got a cheeky 6 hour shift today, then me, Clare, becky and Sammie are getting the monorail to MK to see if we can get food at the Be Our Guest restaurant. A little birdie told me they are having a soft opening today for lunch and dinner. Which means they are open but don't advertise it. It's like a dress rehearsal without having to deal with the crowds.

And another thing Facebook! I hope you let me post the link to this blog from my page, I have been banned from updating statuses and adding photos for two days because I put up 600 photos last night and I did it too quickly. Many of you may remember when I got told off a few years ago for tagging too quickly. I'm sorry if I like to share joy to all my friends via Facebook. But for the next two days at least, I guess twitter will be my new best friend. 


Follow me people!! I've been out of touch with twitter since I got here but now I'm back with bells on!!

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