Sunday, 26 August 2012

Post cowboys joy, standard sunday

Morning people, I am blogging from a much earlier bus this morning than planned because I was summoned to start as early as possible instead of 1pm. Lucky I was up and showered when they rang and it was cloudy or else I probably would have said no to go sunbathe. But I'm on my way to get paid time and a half for an extra two hours work so not all bad.

Had a really good time last night at cowboys, havnt been in two weeks and have missed that place and all the line dancing joy! I joined in with a few, took several photos and videos and had a little tear in my eye when the last song came on and we all danced in a big circle with the girls in the middle who are leaving to go home next week. Just makes me think of my last time to cowboys and how much I'm going to miss the Orlando/Disney lifestyle, it really is amazing out here and I can't believe 7 weeks have flown by so quickly. 

I have made a bucket list of what I want to do while I'm out here and after talking to Sarah yesterday at work who has just got back from one, a Disney cruise is at the top of my list!! She and Daria went for 5 days to the Bahamas and had four courses for meals, entertainment, sunbathing, trips to beautiful islands etc all with the Disney charm, for $550 all inclusive. I think that's a bargain for how much food I'm going to eat!! I would also love to go to new York at Christmas time, Disneyland California, vegas, new England etc. obviously a lot of saving will have to be done for all these lovely ideas, but I also have that 30days travel time at the end of my program so might do a load then. Currently I am trying to get a Wednesday off in September to drive to Tampa and see a Yankees baseball game! :) should be awesome, I want to send dollies down the row of seated people next to me and get a hotdog passed down to me!! Living the dream! 

Work was good yesterday, apart from the drama of an elderly man fell over and landed flat on his face and I was the first cast member on scene so had to go into training mode and remember what are the right things to do. Eventually the paramedics came and cleaned him up and he didn't want to go to hospital so continued around the park in a wheelchair. Bless him, he had a celebrating badge on so I asked him what was he celebrating and he replied "being alive, I just had surgery a few weeks ago" and he was 79 very frail old man sat on the floor with a black eye, I was like well yes you are!! And kept talking to him, wrote down asynchronous information as I could and stayed with him and his wife and other people arrived. Other guests stayed too, to talk to him and eventually help him to his feet to get into wheelchair. but then the rest of his family arrived and looked after him. I got a few high fives from managers Adam and Zach when it was all over for my great job and keeping calm :) all in a days work!!

Friday, 24 August 2012

Cast connections

I am awake early! Have just walked to Chatham square bus stop to get the A bus to Cast connections behind magic kingdom. Was thinking about going to watch the welcome parade at MK at 9am but might save that for when Katie gets here next week and watch it with her. So I will go straight to CC now once the bus gets here and be in front of the line to get in! I hope it opens at 9am, else epic fail?! 

Yesterday was a lovely day spent with Sophie and Sara by the pool and then to animal kingdom, followed by animal kingdom lodge for tea and chill out time by their pool. It is so pretty there, will defiantly be going to resorts more from now on to see what they are all like and decide which one I'd like to stay in on my next vacation to WDW!

On my walk over here to the bus stop I was thinking how cool it was in Orlando at 8am, not anymore, I'm now hot, get me on that air conditioner bus!!....and we're on! God bless you air con! 

In other news, I think it's slightly amusing that my messyness has caught on to my roommate and last night she looked at our room and said "Chloe look what's happened, my side is messy like yours" I just sat there and grinned. I tidy up every few days, but at the end of the day I like to chuck stuff on the floor, its exhausting being Disney joyful to people for 10 hours straight, I give myself a headache most days. Yes I'm drinking enough water, I don't stop, but the constant "hello, how are you? Are we enjoying our trip round the world today? Have you just started via Canada or are you close to finishing? Who are we shopping for today? Where are you from? Oh iv always wanted to travel there, iv been here for 6weeks but I have 30 days to travel at the end of my 12 months working for Disney and would love to travel around America, i applied online at, just had two interviews and I got the job, a year later here I am, would you like a bag with that one? Receipt is in the bag is that ok? No problem well thanks for stopping by the UK today, sorry we didn't have any doctor who or one direction merchandise, maybe one day you never know, well take care then and enjoy the rest of your day in Epcot, bubye-hello how are you?" OMG! Iv just got a headache reliving it! All day every day to every guest people! ... But I still love my job because at the end of the day it's talking to guests and selling a few things in Disney world and I get paid for it. Looking forward to seeing Katie and Matt and co very soon, gonna be so surreal seeing Plymouth people in my Disney bubble, need more of you to make plans, save up and come visit people!! :) 

2 hours later...

I'm on my way back from cast connections. It opened at 8:30am not 9am so I wasn't the first there but happy with my little bargains of a couple of iPhone cases, mickey Christmas decoration and mickey ice cubes all for 10 bucks! And then went next door and got a load of food, bread cheese eggs etc. and now on the bus back to housing, will dump this stuff and then get out in this sunshine because it is beautiful today, not a cloud in the sky! Gonna see if anyone wants to go to blizzard beach or just to a resort to sit and soak up the sun. This bus driver has got some blazzin tunes pumping out if his radio right now...wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!! They never have music on, loving life!! Hope I add to my tan today and will update you all later, thankyou for reading my blog and your comments about it, I do try to be interesting and give you a little taster if my life, even if it is always the thoughts that come into my head on my bus trips around WDW. But I enjoy writing them down and will enjoy reading them back next year when I'm back in the UK with PDD (post Disney depression) and going "this time last year I was on the bus back from  sat connections after buying Disney iPhone cases for $2, meh!" 

Dear future Chloe, this is a message from the past Chloe a year ago when you was tanned, 25, and living life in Disney, stop crying, yes it was a magical year and you have magical memories, photos, videos and lots if new friends around the world because if it. Now get a real job, start saving and plan your next trip back to WDW with your free complimentary tickets you got when you left that never expire! You like animal kingdom lodge and Polynesian resort, take a look at some prices in September, if you remember correctly its cheaper and quieter that time if year :)" .... Sigh!

P.s. four months until Christmas eve!!

P.p.s. Lmfao,  party rock anthem just came on on the bus, miss you girlies!! this bus drivers got it going on! What a winner of a bus trip home on me own! 

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

It's Friday!!!

Good morning all!! One very sleepy Chloe is sat on the floor on the bus on her way to work on her "Friday" as there are no seats left, morning busses r busy!! (I'm sat on a step on the floor to the emergency exit on the bus, I'm not actually sat on the floor cross legged looking like a lost child) speaking if lost children, patents need to take hold if their kids in Disney, I don't know how many more crying kids I can go "don't worry princess, you're not lost because you're with me! Your parents are the ones we need to go find, come on then, let's go, silly patents" to! Omg, and why don't ppl know where the restrooms are, there is a massive sign saying restrooms, u just walked past it and now you're asking me where they r and you didn't even compliment me on my adorable accent!! Haha, can you tell I'm working longer hours than last week?? Nearly finisher though, I'm just looking forward to my next two days off, they ate why I'm here, to go play in the disney theme and water parks for free, on pay day, happy days. 

I recently got a park map and crossed off all rides and places iv eaten on it and would like it to be filled by the end of the year, for all 6 parks (4 theme, 2 water). I think it's time to go back to animal kingdom as I have only been there once and now I have my giraffe print mickey ears so need to wear them there!!!! :) if the weather is good then blizzard beach too would be good as I havnt been there in years and want to go down the big one, summit plummit!

My room mate went away for a few days this week to the beach with her family so the apartment was very quiet but she's back now and bought me a cream coloured friendship bracelet which is very pretty and makes me look more tanned, she's so sweet! And Katie and Matt get here in a week, I'm so excited for my two groups of visitors. Iv got them a little bit if Disney joy each and will hopefully get to spend a lot if time with them. I'm thinking extra magic hours late at night after work too in parks to go on rides with very short wait lines!! :) eek, oh the photos!! Pure joy! Plymouth accents and familiar faces with be so magical together with me in Disney world. Welcome to my surreal little life in the Disney bubble, I feel like iv been here forever! 

Right nearly at work now, iv come in a bit early to buy some lunch. My new BFF Alice in wonderland isn't in today but she will be tomorrow so I might pop back to Epcot for a photo with her in the UK because I know she will make a fuss over me, Disney joy friends :) 

......added 16 hours after I wrote this, really need to remember to upload these blogs I write in the morning! Night people!! I've just got in from my long day ending in McDonald's and a nice long chat with some people in the beverly hills of the commons...sat on the ground! Xx

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Update of Joy

Written three days ago and forgot to upload...

It's Friday Friday!! (well my Friday anyways, iv got the next two days off woop) I survived my second extra magic hours last night, worked from 1:15pm until 12:30am -that should be illegal! But it was good, I got three breaks and had lots of lovely guests to talk to, got one cheeky phone number off Mike, a guest who thought I was awesome - obvs - because I skipped through the store saying "im not allowed to run at work but I can skip!" and another guest said I was delightful and hilarious and took a photo of me with her family, I'm just so famous :) off to blue martini tonight, can't wait to have a cocktail with a glow stuck in it!!

Three days later (now)...

Just seen the most amazing thunder storm outside my window. The rain came out of nowhere, then lightening struck and instantly the loudest thunder sounded and shock my apartment building. Good old Facebook taught me that several other of my Disney buddies felt the same thing in their apartments, and it Lasted for a while, the thunder and lightening was right over us and then it began to pass, just in time for me to catch my bus to work, phew!

I'm back to work today after my lovely weekend off. Did lots of sunbathing, went to Magic Kingdom, Typhoon lagoon, planet Hollywood and downtown Disney. And not forgetting my new favourite place, cast connections. I spent $55 and got a massive photo frame iv wanted for years, a cat toy from expedition Everest iv wanted since last year, the flip flops I bought last year that Jessie ate, I got another pair for a quarter of the price of the originals, a Christmas lanyard, iPhone case, hoody, teeshirt...and i think that's it! But it's all discounted prices, and I get extra Disney discount on top and it's all old stuff that I saw last year on holiday that I get to buy cheap now! :) however iv just realised that I forgot to go food shopping over the last two days and only have crackers and cheese for lunch so will try to go to publix in the next few days, might be wise to buy more food than stuff every now and again.

I just uploaded all my photos from the last week and there's about 200! Not leaving it that late again. I had photos from Lasses on Monday night (very messy from the drinking games we did with the UK lads) pics from Wednesdays night at Blue Martini, A rather lush club we went to for Paul's Birthday and then loads and loads from my two days off-obvs! 

But back to work I go now! In the rain, in my lovely work poncho. Joy!

Monday, 13 August 2012

From Drama to Joy in two days!!!

Mini crisis over the last couple days!  after itching my ankle all day at work on saturday with my shoe, I got home ready to get changed to go out to Cowboys via clare and Amy's place for predrinks, I took one look at my feet and paniced. My right ankle was red and swollen sticking out twice as fat as my left, and then the top of my left foot had swollen up, both where I had been bitten by something. But iv had bites all over my legs (attractive I know but that's Orlando life) since I got here, but none of them got like this. So I found allergy tablets I had and took one after googling they could be used for insect bites. God bless google! And then thought there are loads of tablets and creams for bites at work, typical, if only I had noticed my fat feet before I left work that night. I knew they felt different but I thought it was just itchy bites again. 

So instead of going out with everyone to cowboys, I went back to bed after sitting with the girls for an hour at Clare's, and propped my feet up on three pillows and kept them cool with damp clothes all night. Then yesterday  morning they had gone down a bit, but still felt like there was excess fluid under my skin and wobbles when I walk - what a fatty - but Went to work  for a cheeky 6 hour shift which Was fine. I wore black ballet pumps to work with no tights instead of my work shoes that have straps across them as that was pressing into my left foot that was puffy on top.

So sorry about the not so Disney joy update today, but thought I share with you my little drama and proove that you don't need to be envious of my magical life style because sometimes things get in the way, I mean I had 6 hours spare to have a hang over and sunbathe yesterday but spent it sat inside with my feet propped up on pillows, not so glam. Oh well, after all, tomorrow, is another Disney day!! 

In other news, I have an American cell phone now that my Disney buddies will be happy to know. I bought cheerys brand new one off her as her iphone is now unlocked so she didn't need it.  I can now be reached and respond without the use of a free wifi hot spot!! message me on fb for my number, and call me maybe!! It's so cute, haven't had a new phone in years, and was only 10 bucks! What a bargain!!

.... Update after work yesterday, went to see the paramedics at work and they said for me to take antihistamines/get Benadryl for the bites so I took one non drowsy antihistamine at work today and did my 6 hour shift and it must have worked because it hasn't gotten any worse and I survived standing up for that long. Hopefully in a few days it will go, but tomorrow I will go get some Benadryl before work and some spray too. And also will be nice to have it with me if this ever happens again, what a mini drama! I'm shattered, night!

....update continues, i totally forgot to upload this to my blog yesterday so you're getting all the info at once! this morning the swelling has gone right down, just got a funny looking red mark on my ankle where something weird defo bite me because it looks different than all my other bites. I was back at the pool this morning like I should be, swam 18 lengths of the pool, and had a couple hours in the sun.  off to work without limping, yaay!! Disney joy continues at its best!! 

.... And the joy just keeps coming! I'm on my way home from work now on Monday night, had a good day and was made even better when my manager made an announcement to the staff at the end if day meeting, and gave me a "four keys fanatic" card which is something you get for being extra safe, courteous, show ready and/or efficient at work. He gave me my card for "always maintaining a positive image and energy, your smile is contagious amongst the UK Pavillion" and he also added that all cast members are at a high level of enthusiasm and energy and Disney presence,  but it has been noticed by all other staff including the other managers, that I am just above that high level! So chuffed with myself, my natural Disney joy is making itself known with everyone around me without me even trying!!

Saturday, 11 August 2012

My first August weekend

Back to work today after a magical two days off! It started with TGI Fridays after work on Wednesday evening for yummy food, and again I had the vanilla bean cheesecake for dessert because it is amazing!! Thursday was a nice lazy day by the pool with the newbies. After working all week stuck on your feet I do like to lay down and relax on a sun lounger and catch up with everyone. I swam 12 lengths of the pool first thing and then just jumped into the pool everytime I got too hot (which was a lot!!) the girls took me to Penera bread for lunch which was lush and only a quick walk up the road, I had no idea! Had soup and half a sandwich! Then more sunbathing before joining the girls in magic kingdom for Clare's birthday. As soon as I got on the monorail to get to MK, the heavens opened and it tipped it down with thunder and lightening! So I ran in the rain on my own to reach them in liberty square where we then went on whinnie the pooh, carousel and philarmagic before going to main street to meet other girls and boys joining us from finishing work. Wishes was unfortunately canceled due to the lightening still going, but they show The Magic, Memories and You on the castle before we went back home. 

Saturday was also a lovely day off, me and Kerry went to Cast Connections which is a discounted store for cast members to buy slightly damaged or out of date Disney stuff, I got some bargains including a hat I saw last here on holiday that was now on sale, and some mickey giraffe print ears for 50 cents!!! Mazing!! Then we went to Magic kingdom and took lots of photos and went on splash mountain and space mountain, my two favourites! After this it was time to race to Epcot and beat the big grey clouds coming to get to the Rose and Crown pub in the UK pavillion for tea with Sara, Pippa and Sophie. We had the best seat in the house right on the waterfront ready to watch illuminations which were amazing from that spot! THEN we went to the dine-in cinema for the evening and watcher the Candidate which was funny, while ordering brownies for dessert that got brought to our seats!! 

What a fun filled perfect weekend, now it's back to work for 8 hours, but then cowboys tonight after predrinks at Clare's straight after work. Loving life and living my Disney dream!! 

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Four weeks in Joyville!

Hello chloesdisneyjoy blog readers!! I am blogging on the move on the way to work, this seems a perfect time to catch up with you all- a coca cola truck just went by, wish people back home could experience this and get as excited as I do because no one else on the bus seems too!! *holidays are coming* anyways, busy Disney Chloe is loving her Disney adventure four weeks in. Can't believe I've been here that long, although it feels like longer I don't know why, and I am very settled into the Disney way of life. Work is long hours most if the time, I recently finished my 9 days in a row working mostly 8-12 hour shifts! I got a cold and lost a belt size doing so, so happy days I'm skinny, but was very hungry and tired. Once my last shift was finished of the 9 days I walked to Publix (it's like sainsburys=nice!) and bought $80 worth of yummy food and dragged it back with me to housing (a mile walk!) but it was worth it. The guy at the checkout was like "you're not carrying all this are you?" I said "I'm stronger than I look, I am a donkey!" haha. He looked like he wanted to carry it for me, that's how nice people in public are, in Walmart (worse than asda) they would be like "u crazy fool, now out the way iv got more people to serve without a smile" true story!   That night I got in, took a photo of all my food, obvs, and made myself a chili con Carne from scratch and it was amazing!!!! Felt so good to prepare food and cook it! Hadn't done it since I was back in the Uk, even my room mate was surprised as she had only ever seen me eat toast and pop tarts up until this point!

It has nearly been a week since then and the food is still going strong, I shall do a little shopping tomorrow as I now have the basics, I can just top up the fridge and cupboards now. That's right, I am in a regular routine now of working five days and the have my weekend on Thursday and Fridays. And it's 6-10 hour shifts now which is better. Had my first extra magic hours shift last night which didn't end until midnight as Epcot is open that long on Tuesday's. It wasnt too bad, I had some lovely guests that stayed and talked to me for ages. And one at the end was American and said she new Disney has lots of rules, but could we hug? And I was like of course, it's Disney! And thankyou very much for talking to me. Bless these Americans!! They love us Brits! I do not get tired of "could we have our photo taken with you?" it's awesome! I must be in so many photo albums around the world, as well as a few videos too, people ask me to say British things to their camera in my "charming" accent :)

I've been to lots of lovely places including Disney's Hollywood studios, TGI Fridays, Outback, Peaches and Cream (yes I know lots of these places are for food but I really do enjoy food!) had the best cheesecake in TGIs with a yummy chicken main for $10!! Mazing' defo going back there again soon. Obvs there are 100s of places I want to go to still but it is only early days. Now that I have my work timetable down I can start to plan trips to parks and places around work and my religious sunbathing in the mornings before work, it's heaven! This program would not be as enjoyable if u didn't have that pool let me tell you!! Trying to swim an extra length per day, I'm up to 10 at the mo then I get tired, haha, but hopefully with get stronger per morning And become a right little fish!! Just keep swimming!!

My favourite place to go out at night is still cowboys for sure, going there this Saturday night for Clare's birthday! Looking forward to drinking my bud light and lime (yes u know iv changed but it's so good and all you can drink until 1am!) and to attempt to join in with the line dancers on the dance floor, so much fun and American!!

Right, I've just arrived at work, perfect timing, will hope to blog like this again, it has entertained me on my way to work thumb hurts a bit now though! Heart my IPHONE!!

Have a magical day people!! Xx

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Training seems like months ago now, but I must catch you all up!!

On our Discovery Day where we got a tour around Epcot and one last video from Walt Disney of how we are now part of the magic/legacy of Disney (emotional) we received our "earning my ears" ribbon that sticks onto our name badges and tells guests that we are in training. Obviously I wore this on my days training with Charly, Stephen and Daria (and for a little longer afterwards just for good measure!).  Training was good, at the end of every day I felt a little more confident and those registers didn't seem so scary! Day one was more of a tour backstage and lots of Elearning (where you have to sit through computer programmes informing you of rules selling alcohol and health and safety features in place at work etc (a tad boring but important of course).  Then day two was more of that plus practicing on a real register in the shop but having it on training mode so didn't interact with guests a whole lot apart from to say "sorry we are in training mode could you go to that register instead please" when they turned up at mine with arms full of merchandise to buy!! Day 3 was doing real live transactions with real live guests but with Charly my trainer right next to me so it was ok. And day 4 was a recap of everything with Daria and a test at the end to make sure I had remembered and understood all my training which I passes with flying colours :) All I wanted after this moment was lots of practice on the registers so I knew what I was doing...but my first assigned shift after training was over was "tasking" and "kidcot" for 2 hours which is what I just make sure all shelves are stocked on stage (in the shop) and kidcot is where kids come with there Epcot passport and Duffy bear cardbored cutouts to get them stamped and signed by me with a union jack, and all this is done sat next to Whinnie to Pooh and Tigger Two, who came over and played with us when it was quiet, amazing job!!