Monday, 16 July 2012

Day One & Two

Waltmart, at 11:30pm, after 24 hours travel on 3 hours sleep before leaving my house, was not the best welcome to my American life style. I mean it was exciting to be there and see all the poptart flavours and philidalphia flavours and everything was in $, but we had a subway for our tea that late, and then grabbed a trolly each and went for it....and it was just so hetic!!  There were people, children, everywhere! the trolly was really difficult to steer and the place is massive from end to end and we couldn't find what we needed.  I got my pillow and bedding and some juice, bagels etc.  Then when we got the the tills the ques were massive, had to wait for hours, and the bags they had were tiny, you could fit like one load of bread in them, so i bought some shopping bags for 50cents each and packed everything in that, just! Then we got the taxi back that we got in, a crazy dude who had a kareoke machine in and sang dancing queen, and he told us fun facts about disney world.

When I got back to my flat, my new room mate was there too, earlier when i dropped my stuff off, her stuff was there too but no her, but i could tell she was brand new as she hadn't unpacked her suitcase either.  She is lovely, called Arianna, from Mexico and says she will teach me spainish and cook mexican food for us, winner!!

The next day was my first morning in America!  And as Arianna had to go to Orinentation early, I spent the morning unpacking my suitcase as I woke up at 5:30am (with jet lag I guess, but I am so behind on my sleep at this point, I don't know why i didn't sleep until noon because I had the chance!).  I also met my other two housemates as we are in a two bedroom apartment, they are two girls from Japan, but keep themselves to themselves, after exchanging hellos and chocolate from each others countries, I went and met Kate and Elle and we had a wonder around The Commons housing complex and sat by the pool waiting for our Orinentation day which started at 1pm.  We go ID cards for housing (my photo got stretched on the card, not happy!) We then crossed the road from the Commons, through a car park and went to the Premium outlet malls which i recognised from my holiday last year!! Can't believe when shopping last september I was metres away from my new home!  We all still had out sticker name tags on from the orientation day so everyone kept saying our names in shops we went into.  We went to The Fudgery, a shop which was making amazing fudge and we stayed to watch this show that they put on to get free samples.  The two guys there that was entertaining us and making the fudge were hilarious but kept shouting out "hey chloe, you're really scaring me with that laugh, just calm down now your free sample's coming soon...and then you can buy some, everybody say yeah!!" was so funny, and they could sing, i have a video of them singing.

That evening we got to meet some lovely girls who work in the UK pavillion already and we all just sat around the pool all evening talking about the job and the life style.  Ooh- we also went to Cici's pizza today for lunch where we got disney discount and got all pizza, pasta, salad, drink and desserts for like £4 amazing!!!  And we met an Italian guy at the pool this morning....called Frank! How random!! Met loads of people from Canada and our UK lot get along really well with them, yay :)

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